- Prime real estate at the top of the website
- Large ad size is attention grabbing
- High visibility in desktop environments
970x250 (Desktop Only)
Acceptable Formats:
GIF, PNG, JPEG, HTML, Rich Media, 3rd party tag.
HTML5 as:
3rd party tag, DoubleClick Studio creative, or DCM tag.
Max File Size:
3 times
Animation Length:
15-20 seconds
Additional information:
Ad could include in banner video or social media in rich media versions. Audio off at start and
user controls required for “Close X”, Play, Pause, Rewind, and Volume. Rich-media version must be supplied as a 3rd party tag and video no longer than 30 seconds Expandable functionality is not accepted in this ad unit.
Brand-specific specifications may apply. Please contact your Informa Representative for detailed specifications and delivery instructions.